Done in 2009
Given that holding lessons in the monastery has become difficult, because the children who do not attend the religion lessons on Sunday morning are not able to attend class as frequently as necessary, I have decided that it is time to have our own space.
This decision is reinforced by the children’s good results, their enthusiasm coming to classes, their good attendance, parental cooperation, and the teacher’s responsibility. Students go to the public school in the morning and come to our classes in the afternoon, assuming extra responsibility for themselves.
The parents must be commended for having understood how important this education is for their children’s cultural enrichment and to improve their futures. The children, too, are to be commended not only for taking on extra classes and responsibility but for their excitement as they run to class.
Parents are in charge of cleaning the room where classes are held. They must understand there are no dues, that school is free of charge for them, but somewhere in the world someone must work and dedicate his time to raise the funds to make this dream come true.
Goals achieved in 2009
- Events organized to gather funds for the land.
- Legal constitution of Associazione Fabio Jonathan.
- A hundred English books sent to create a library at the new school, so that they’ll be available to all children attending it.
- Land bought to build the school.
- ONLUS recognition.
- Subscription as an association at Campi Bisenzio.
- 2010 school year started with new school books.
- Search for an Engish-speaking teacher, who has already attended classes and understands our needs.